Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Joy & Pain
Some days are filled with the joys of the ministry. Doing life with people. Being with hem as they go through the trials and difficulties of this sinful world. Rejoicing when they do well. Visiting them while they are ill. Being able to help with tangible things. Praying with and for them to have strength and peace.
Some days are just gut wrenching. Watching someone struggle. Seeing people dabble with sin. Seeing people forget that they are bought with a price. I want to cry as I encounter those who for what ever reason are on the edge of poverty not only physically but spiritually also.
Some days, these are the same day. Going from Joy to Pain in the same day, sometimes within an hour. This can be very difficult on someone who has a struggle with depression.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Silly Grandmother
She really through me for a loop when she voted for George Bush for president the first time in 2000. I thought hell froze over and I did not get the memo. She did not re-vote for him in 2004
Any way she voted for Obama. Big surprise. She knows how I am so not a Obama guy. I mean I guess he is a nice a guy in a sort of Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Marxist, Leftist sort of way. If you like that sort of thing.
She knows I am also a avid reader. I read a lot of books on all sorts of topics. So for Christmas she got me "The Audacity of Hope" by non other than the Chicago Thug politician himself, Mr. Obama. She even inscribed it for me. I love her.
Plus she got me Mike Huckabee's book "Do the right thing". I told her that that was more like it.
I am going to read both. I love her.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Update on all the happs
I have been doing a lot of reading about Mother Theresa. What a profound lady with a profound ministry. I am bothered a bit by some of the things she says. In some of the prayers that she has written she encourages Muslims and Hindus to put the name of their God in the place of Jesus. She encourages them to be better Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or what ever. This bothers me.
I guess the evangelical in me screams out "why not lead them to Jesus.!!!!!" I don't want to diminish the work that she did, but wow.
I also re-read a book by Dominic Dunne called "Anther City No My Own" - about the OJ Simpson murder case. He is a good writer. The first time I read this book I had borrowed it from my grandfather. He read every book written about the OJ trial. I read most of them. My thoughts...GUILTY!!!!!
Tonight we went to my mother in law's church. They had a walk through nativity story. It was done by the youth. They did a very good job.
In the next couple of weeks I am going to be taking on some new responsibilities at the church. I am excited, nervous, sad, over whelmed all at the same time. One of the things I will not be doing is teaching Sunday school. A break is nice. I have been teaching straight for 4 years now. I love to teach. I love the prep time that I have getting to study in the word and drawing out from God's treasure things that I can share with what ever class I am leading.
I have also been reflecting on the the last 4 years and asking some questions.
1. Have I made a difference?
2. Have I been obedient?
3. Have I missed anything?
4. How can I improve?
5. What should I do more/less of?
Time will tell.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Babies are Messy
One might think I am talking about my kids.
New believers sure can make messes. They can make you happy and they can make you weep. But when they grow and do well, nothing makes you prouder. When they screw up, they sure can tick you off.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Vacation Day 5
I went and got Liz a little present for christmas. I went and got my hair did. Got to read some more. I went hunting again. And again I got nothing.
While Liz and I were in the van, I heard the rear brakes GRINDING>>>> Not good. So tomorrow I will be putting brakes on the van. I just love spending money I did not plan on.
Sam and I are going to be in the Christmas parade in Whitehouse tomorrow. Savannah is trying out for all region band all day tomorrow. I am so proud of her.
Today was a good day.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Vacation Day 4
I had an awesome nap today. Don't tell Liz, but I took a 4 hour nap....i did not get up until 1 pm.
I went twice today and did not see anything. I did get to do some readying of the book "no perfect people allowed." It was written by the pastor from Gateway Church in Austin.
Tomorrow I am buying myself a set of tires. OOOOOOO, how fun is that. I have needed them for a while. I have 4 bald tires on my truck. I got my Christmas bonus so that is my gift to myself. 4 Uniroyal Tires, 50K mile rated!!!!!
The week of Larry continues......
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Vacation Day 2 and 3
I am resolved to continue. I have just about finished the book The Jesus Conspiracy. I am going to start on No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke. I have to miss hunting this afternoon. I am taking my oldest to a Jr. High shin dig while mom takes rug and rat to church stuff. I will go and hide somewhere and read.
Today I have taken a nap. Had Lunch with rug and rat. Went to the pharmacy. Cleaned the house. Did some laundry and watched fox News. Took a drive and looked around. Now I am surfing.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Vacation Day 1
I spend most of the day with Savannah and Sarah at the eye doctor getting their eyes checked. Then me and Sam had cub scouts tonight. It was a relaxing day though.
I did get some reading done. I am reading a book called the Jesus Conspiracy by Gordon Thomas. I have read other books by him. He is an investigative reporter. His books are well written and researched. He has a lot of background information that he weaves in the the story of Jesus. It is very good.
Off to bed.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Secrets of the Kingdom
This deeply challenges me. I see this all the time in my work in follow up. We get a lot of "decisions" in church. But of these decisions, some we never see again. We don't hear from them. I can call and call and go see them, and nothing. Some get real involved real quick and then disappear. Others, take a lot of work to get fruit. It can be very frustrating and gut wrenching. But apparently Jesus told us that this is the way it will be.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Random Thoughts
I am a blessed man. I have a beautiful wife and kids.
My God has supplied all my needs. My God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
My prayer is the people of God will fall in love with Him so much that they can not help but do the work of Christ. That they would be the church.
Just a random "thoughty" moment.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Reflections of a Weakling
In the chapter about Exchanging Identities - where we take on the identity of Jesus and give up our own identity he talks about two of my heroes: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Mother Teresa.
I h ave read lots about Bonhoeffer. He was a Lutheran Pastor from Germany. He became an enemy of the Nazi's. He became involved in a plot to kill Hitler. He was arrested and was sent to prison. In his prison cell, he continued a routine of worship every day. he lead church services and witnessed to everyone he could. The first few days of his imprisonment were not this way. He was very depressed and contemplated suicide. He then began a routine of a vibrant life in prison of reading, prayer, witnessing and writing. His family was allowed to bring care packages into him. Bonhoeffer often shared the things that came in with the other inmates. During one of the allied bombings all he inmates were moved to a basement for protection. Dietrich never flinched as people ducked and hid from the attack.
The prison doctor tells of the account of the last few moments of Dietrich's life. After they took his clothes, he knelt down and prayed fervently to God. This non-believer was struck by how passionately and fervently he prayed. He said that Pastor Bonhoeffer (this is how the Dr described him) prayed as if God would actually answer him (imagine that). Dietrich climbed up the gallows and stood brave ad composed. The camp Dr who had seen many people die in this prison said he hand never seen anyone dies with such submissiveness to the will of God.
I read about this brother and I am so moved. I want to have this passion for God in the hardest of circumstances. I at times allow hard stuff to distract me from my worship. I take comfort that a man such as Dietrich could remain composed in these times.
The part about Mother Teresa that really touched me was that she often struggled with depression. it is said that she had bouts of depression when she reflected at what she was not able to do. She was depressed at the abortion in the Western world. It is said that she took on the grief and pain of those she ministered to. I am told that this is not proper for a pastor to do. but I do it. I emote the pain of others and feel the hurt that they hurt. And I battle depression.
Both of these children of God died to self. This death that the endured is not gentle. Dying to self and caring for others is not a gentle death. they both trusted Christ in the darkest of times.
God help me to do the same. Help me to be at peace with your will. Help me to bear the grief of others. Help me to not lose the ability to hurt and cry with those who hurt and cry.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Today Was A Good Day
I got to talk to a guy on the phone about the bible. I got to visit with a guy who I have been discipling for a several years. He is doing well. We got to help a widow who needed some home repair. We got to help a family that needed to re-locate. We got to help a family with gifts for Christmas. We got to help the Salvation Army by ringing the bell.
I love what I do.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Un Electable
He is going to be in Tyler in a couple of weeks. I am going to go and see him.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Call To Action
We here lots and lots about the wrong way, wrong time, wrong partner, wrong number, wrong everything else. I say kudos's to Ed Young!!
Copy of Article here:
Dallas-area pastor issues sex challenge
12:00 AM CST on Wednesday, November 12, 2008
By ROY APPLETON / The Dallas Morning News rappleton@dallasnews.com
God may have rested on the seventh day, but the Rev. Ed Young wants married couples to have sex all week long.
Once a day. Beginning this Sunday.
The call to action will headline Mr. Young's Sunday sermon at Grapevine-based Fellowship Church. He plans to deliver his challenge while sitting on a bed.
"I won't be dressed in pajamas," the pastor says.
In these days of financial crisis, rampant divorce and debates over same-sex marriage, it's time, he says, to turn the "whining" into "whoopee."
More fundamentally, he adds, the embracing of sex is about nurturing and strengthening marriages.
"Sex is like Super Glue. It's a spiritual thing, an emotional thing," he says.
And the marriage thing, he believes, should only involve a man and woman. God's way, he says.
Jim Dale of Coppell said he figures the pastor is trying to create more buzz for his five-church mega-ministry.
"Draw 'em in, no matter what or how," wrote the Coppell resident in a posting on dallasnews.com. "Sex? You betcha. That'll pack the pews (or theater seats)."
Mr. Dale, author of a book about individual relationships with God, said he has attended Fellowship Church a few times. And he offered some praise: "I've got to hand it to them, they are brilliant marketers."
Mr. Young says his challenge – the latest in a sermon series called "Leaving Lust Vegas" – isn't about filling seats. "We've got more people than we can say grace over," he says of his 20,000-worshipper Baptist ministry that video streams services from Grapevine to churches in downtown Dallas, Plano, Fort Worth and Miami.
Marketing is indeed at play, the pastor says. "It gets people thinking on a deeper level about sex. I want people talking about it," he says.
But doing it?
"God says sex should be between a married man and a woman. And do it," he says.
Whatever the motivation, the pastor's rousing words aren't unprecedented. A Florida church earlier this year issued a 30-day sex challenge.
Mr. Young said his words may well resonate more with the young and healthy. And at 47 years old, he plans to practice what he's preaching.
"We're going to give it a try," he says, speaking for Lisa, his wife of 26 years and mother of their four children.
As for others, "I can't make them do it," the pastor says.
But he's hopeful. "I think people are going to have a happy Thanksgiving!"
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sinus Crap Day 2
I have a good wife. I don't know what I am going to do when she goes to work in the morning. I guess I will lay here in the silence and suffer. But I know she will come home.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
San Diego Day 5
After the service we went to a dinner put on by Dave Ramsey and Financial Peach University. It was at the poolside Tiki Pavilion area. Picture this, we leave a holy ghost service, seeing people on their face before God, some have never been in an altar service and we are lead into a party area, with loud secular music playing. All the songs were about money. The were selling Ramsey's stuff. On any other day I would not have cared, but i really felt vulgar sitting there listening to this music. It was the wrong atmosphere.
At the airport i got the treatment. Having this metal in my spine opens doors for me to meet some new people. They feel you and touch you all over. Of course it is not very intimate. First they put me in a glass box and then made me stay there. Then I got put on this metal chair and was assaulted by a beeping stick. Then he gloved up and gave me the rub down. I think I need a shower.
Any who, I just ate some pizza and finally have found some diet coke. I have not had some in days. All the resort had was diet Pepsi. You can live on it, but it taste like crap.
I am on my 3rd big gulp size glass of it. AHH heaven must be like this. I am going to nose around a bit.
Oh, all the books cost me an extra fifty bucks at the airport for a heavy bag. When the guy picked it up he yelled, my God that is heavy. He said this thin is over weight. I can not tell a lie, I have about 25 books in it. I even put some in my back pack, but, they got me.
Friday, November 7, 2008
San Diego Day 4 part 2
- Creating a Prodigal Friendly church by Jeff Lucas
- Surprising Insights from the unchurched and proven ways to reach them by Thom Ranier (I love his work)
- The Unchurched Next Door: understanding faith stages as keys to sharing your faith by Thom Ranier
- Crazy Love by Francis Chan
- Compelled by Love: a journey to missional living by Ed Stetzer
- The Multiplying Church: the new math for starting new churches by Bob Roberts
- Should we use someone else's sermon: preaching in a cut and past world by Scott Gibson
- The American Church In Crisis by David Olson
- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Almost vulgar the number of books i have to read now. Guess I know what I am doing the next couple of days. HA
tonight with Francis Chan. I don't know what else to say other than wow. It was so powerful and so moving and then he gave an altar call at the end and Lincoln Brewster was playing in the background. It was so heavy and so deep I am not even at this time able to express it in to words. I never expected to see God do something like this here. My friend the Lutheran Pastor, Joseph was really blown away. We have had a lot of discussions about what our different churches did. He had never experienced an altar call where people are laying hands on people, and people were prostrate in the floor. even Lincoln Brewster said he did not know what to do at this time. I will talk more about it later.
Headed home tomorrow.
San Diego Day 4 part 1
I just got out of a class about Ancient Faith, about reaching the lost the way the early believers did. I will blog more about this later.
More Books:
- The Juggling Act: bringing balance to your faith, family and work by Pat Gelsinger
- Making God Known: how to bring others to faith by Greg Laurie
- The Faith: what Christians believe, why they believer it, and why it matters by Chuck Colson.
- When Your Teen is Struggling: real hope and practical help for parents today by Mark Gregston (he is from Longview Texas.)
- More Good News for Great Days by O.S. Hawkins (former pastor of FBC Dallas)
- Lost and Found: The Younger Unchurched and the churches that reach them by Ed Stetzer.
I think my suitcase will be over the weight limit with all the books. they are just giving them away.
Francis Chan in next. Off to hear him.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
San Diego Day 3 Part 2
I made a lot of great contacts. I also gathered some new reading material that I hope to learn from.
Here is the list of what they are.
1. Three Simple Rules - A Wesleyan Way of Living by Rueben P. Job
2. Women Married to men in ministry - breaking the sound barrier together by Teresa Flint-Borden (this looks really good, i think maybe the staff wives would enjoy it. Liz and I are going to review it.)
3. The Crisis of Younger Clergy - by Lovett Weems
4. Dirty Word: The vulgar, offensive language of the kingdom of God by Jim Walker
5. The Life: A Portrait of Jesus by J. John
6. An African Awakening: My Journey into Aids Activism by Valerie Bell
7. Preparing for Change Reaction: how to introduce change in your church by Bob Whitesel (i got to meet the author and talk with him a while, he is from Indiana Wesleyan University. He is the guy on all of the advertisements.)
I am back in my room relaxing for a bit before the comedy show.
San Diego Day 3 Part 1
The other one i went to was about visitor follow up. got some great ideas.
The general session was real good to. Lincoln Brewster lead worship. A guy I had never heard of before called J. John spoke. He is a Greek guy who lives in London. He preached a great message on taking personal responsibility in Evangelism. He was also hysterical.
The next class i am going to is on mystery visitors or secret shoppers. tonight we have a comedy show.
the weather is 68 degrees, I am poolside at a cafe waiting on my next class.
San Diego Day 2
This was the first official day of the conference. Today was called the pre-conference seminar. I had an option to choose from 4 different intensive classes. I chose one called Welcome to the Family. It was about visitors and assimilation. It was very interesting and I got some great ideas. I also heard that some of the things we are doing are good. Something’s we need to work on.
I got to spend some time with pastors from different traditions. I learned about a program called ALPHA. It is a discipleship / evangelism program where people who have not church background learn about the gospel over a 10 week, dinner discussion type format. It is not high pressure. It encourages dialogue and study. I got to meet with an Anglican Pastor and an Episcopal pastor who uses this. ALPHA had a booth in the exhibit hall. I went by and talked to them and got some information. I will spend some time studying more about it.
I picked up a bunch of books. Some were free and I bought some. My “too read” list has grown now, but I think it will be well worth it. Here is a list of what I got:
1. Children of Hope by Vernon Brewer
2. Why a Star by Bodie and Brock Thoene
3. The Tangible Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Community: The Posture and Practices of Ancient Church Now by Hugh Halter
4. Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture: Answering Parent’s Most Challenging Questions by Mark Gregston
5. Identity: who you are in Christ by Eric Geiger
6. Choose Your Faith in a World of Spiritual Options by Mark Mittelberg
7. The Peace Maker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict by Ken Sande
8. No Perfect People Allowed: creating a come as you are culture in the church by John Burke
9. Essential Church: reclaiming a generation of dropouts by Thom S. Rainer
10. The Shape of Faith to Come: Spiritual Formation and The future of Discipleship by Brad J. Waggoner
Pretty good reading list huh?
I had lunch with a Lutheran Pastor from Nebraska. I had a great conversation with him about church and ministry. He is a very interesting guy who I hope to keep in contact with.
The general session tonight was with Lincoln Brewster leading worship. He is a great guitar player. I was pretty tired and did not feel like a concert.
Erwin McManus was next. He had an awesome sermon/talk about doing what is uncomfortable. It was very challenging. I think I will read more of this stuff.
Tonight they were showing the move Fire Proof, but Liz said I could not go and watch it without her.
Supper was interesting. I finally found a place that the price is normal. While sitting there drinking my diet Pepsi talking with Liz, a cock roach took a walk across my table….CHECK PLEASE!!!!! I wound eating supper in bar type place. I had a calamari wrap. It was good.
Back to the room. Relax, read, thing, process, blog, email check and all that. Tomorrow is a big day.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
SanDiego Day 1 part 2
This place is so expensive. I just ate a 26 dollar sandwich. For lunch I had a 24 dollar burger. I am scared to see what breakfast will be like.
It is so cool (temperature wise) here. The sun went down and it got pretty cold. I sat outside for a while and talked to my grandmother. My dad had a ruff afternoon. The procedure did not work. I called him at home but he was already asleep. I really wished it would have worked.
SanDiego Day 1
Got an early start this morning. No problems at the Tyler Airport. I met a family that was sending their dog to Florida on a different plane. I thought that was odd.
Got in to Houston ok. Had to ride the shuttle bus to my terminal. I had some time to kill so I got my boots shined at one of those shoe shine stands. It was done by this Asian man wearing an old black cowboy hat that had seen its better days. He also was wearing a bow tie and white shirt. He did a real good job on my boots.
Sitting on the plane now as I type this. It is only about 80% full. There are several Marines on board. I know there is a large Marine base in San Diego. They look like they are new to the corps. No rank or badges on the uniform except for their rifle qualifying badge. The look like high school kids. There are also a lot of moms with little babies with them. Some of them are happy and some are not happy.
The flight is supposed to be a three hour flight. They are going to show a movie that I don’t think I want to see it. Looks boring. Just wanted to type out some thoughts. More LATER!
Got here. This place is beautiful. Cool temp, beautiful water, palm trees, roses, Spanish tile roofs...awesome.
I have a garden bungalow. It has its own covered area with vines and flowers. Very nice.
It is lunch time so i went to one of the 5 restaurants here at the convention center. I had forgot about the "laid back" atmosphere of this state. The restaurant was nice, but waitresses do not get in a hurry. I am used to being called sugar and honey and they fall all over them selves to get to serve you. Oh well, being in a foreign land like this one must adapt to the surrounding areas.
Later tonight I am supposed to check in at one of the ball rooms here. I am going to take a nap now and rest.
incidentally, Dad's procedure did not work. He is very discouraged. So am I.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Going West - Dad
One complication. Dad's heart procedure is tomorrow. He has to be at Mother Frances at 8 in the morning. They will shock him at 10. I hate not being here for this. Dad insisted I go on with my trip. He has the hard part. My grandmother will be with him.
My prayer is that this will work and will help dad.
A Walk In The Garden Lesson 3 Note
Lesson 3
The Virgins
Matthew 25:1-13
v. 1. Virgins – also translated bridesmaids. To be one is an honor. It is very insulting to the bride, if the bride’s maids are not prepared. To be shut out because you did not get ready could ruin a friendship.
Jewish Marriage Customs. 2 basic stages.
Betrothal (or engagement) – spouse is chosen. Usually with input of parents or full decision made by parents. Sometimes the young ones would make choice or preference known. This could happen anywhere from 13-18 years of age. Legal contract would be made with witnesses to this. They were to remain abstinent during this time. To break this contract would mean divorce. If one died, the other was a widow or widower.
The Wedding – formal ceremony would be a year after the betrothal. Special garments would be worn. The groom would leave the fathers house and go to the bride with his companions. They would go and get the bride and bring the bride back to the wedding supper. Could be in either place. Parents and friends would bless the couple. The father of the bride would then draw up a formal contact. Then they went to a special nuptial chamber and consummated the marriage. While everyone waited outside. No pressure. The virginity was established afterwards by the presence of blood on the *sheets*. Then there would be a party for a week or more.
*The presence of the blood – shows that the virgin was pure, that she belonged to the bridegroom – she had been preserved. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
Jesus is the Lion of Judah – the Lion of Judah has washed his clothes in blood. (Genesis 49:8-12)
God looks for the blood so that He can pass over and not punish – (Exodus 12:13)
Believers showed that they were His, but the presence of Blood on their clothes (Revelations 7:14)
The church overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb. (Revelations 12:11)
Jesus is pictured as a the rider on the white horse, with his own clothes dipped in blood.
v. 2 – Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
v. 3 – many have a lamp of profession in their hands. But few of them have settled the matter and have the oil of the spirit of salvation in their hearts. They have outward works, but the inside is dead.
v. 5 – all 10 slept. Waiting and Watching is OK. Sleep is OK, if you are prepared. Once you have everything ready, it is OK to lie down and rest.
The wise could enjoy a true peace.
The foolish a false peace.
The foolish were not prepared to wait. They could not handle a delay. They apparently wanted an instant fix. They could not endure a little wait.
Though Jesus tarries past our time He will come in due time.
v. 6 – a new day has started.
v. 8 – The oil lamp was made of clay, had a basin for the oil and a wick that was burned to produce the light. These outside torches could burn for hours if their was enough oil. Could have also been a torch with oil soaked rags.
Their faith was dead. At the time when it mattered the most, it was dead and no one could help them. No prep work. Trouble came and now they are scrambling.
They were not spiritually prepared. A delay cause what they had to burn up.
The virgins were to escort the groom to the bride. They had the procession to light the way to the bride.
If the bridesmaids tried to share oil, none would have enough.
v. 10 – they went to buy, what could not be bought. What was once free without price is now not available. Is. 55:1-3.
v. 11 – being outside in the dark while the marriage supper is going on is a picture of being in hell. Not known, and un-helpable. No way to change the disposition.
v. 12 – they had insulted the dignity of the host. They missed the procession. They missed the chance to be a part of the celebration, dancing and singing.
v. 13 – the oil they had was good, but it ran out. A new day had come, and they needed to be re-filled.
Closing Challenge:
We can not lean on a past experience. We need to have new and fresh encounters with God to lean upon.
Daily grace is needed for daily need.
We are fools if we seek to only get through a moment, with no thought to what might happen.
The wise will have a fresh supply of spiritual strength to get through the time of waiting.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Playing my part
John's followers were upset because the people that used to follow them, were now following Jesus. John tells them that God gives each of us jobs. We are to each play our part. And sometimes our part is to step back so someone else can step up.
A good friend of mine explained that even in ministry, not everyone can be the quarterback. There has to be linemen. There has to be blockers. Without the guys on the line taking the initial hits, the quarterback can not set up do what he does.
I have been doing some self thinking, reflecting or day dreaming or what ever you call it. I don't know if I have what it takes to be "the guy." Maybe my part to play, is that of a behind the scenes person. The guy who does the nuts and bolts, but is never the out front, up front main guy. I am becoming more and more OK with that. That maybe my calling is to be the detailed task doer, while others stand up front. For a while it was bothering me. But then as I study the John the Baptist, he was OK with the part he was given. He did his job and did it well. Then he faded out. Actually he got his head cut off for telling a guy who he should not be getting busy with his brothers wife, but you get my point.
The bride will follow the groom. The friend of groom will rejoice at this.
A Walk In the Garden Lesson 2 Notes
Matthew 24:15-30
v. 15 - The abomination that causes desolation – a deliberate attempt to mock and deny the reality of God's presence. (Daniel 11:12)
The standards of these desolating legions, on which they bear the images of their idols.
John Wesley described all of Jerusalem as Holy.
168 BC. Antiochus Epiphanies – sacrificed a pig in the temple to Zeus (Greek) Jupiter (Roman). Over 100K Jews were slain. Side note of history of him, as picture of what the future will be like.
41 AD - Caligula (Emperor Gaius) wanted to put a giant statue of himself in the Temple (was dissuaded by King Herod Agrippa 1)
66 AD – Zealots killed the priest in the temple.
70 AD. Titus placed an idol where the temple had been.
v. 16 – The Mountains were close and an easy place to hide.
v. 17 – the roof was a place of prayer and of drying vegetables, had a stair case.
v. 18 – Field hands would wear an extra cloak in the morning when it was cold. As the day warmed, they left it at the end of the field.
v. 19 – Travel has always been hard with kids. It still is. During the siege of Jerusalem, Mothers ate their children.
v. 20 – Winter time – wadis would be flooded (dry creek beds) and would make travel difficult.
The haste will be so great that it will cause undue difficulties for those who are hindered because of pregnancy or who for other reasons have problems traveling.
Sabbath - Jewish law forbade riding horses and mules. Walking was also limited to distance. Would be hard to arrange secret travel for fear of discovery.
v. 21 - The horrors of the Holocaust of WW2 are a somber warning that the desolation that comes from humanity's unleashed depravity will yet be unequaled. It is a mere shadow.
v. 22 - It is cut short to allow for survivors. Trouble is ahead – it will be bad. But the return is sudden. The will be so bad that if they are allowed to run their course the entire human race would be destroyed. But according to God's time table, they will be shortened.
God controls the persecution; He does not and will not forget His people. God's people will be rescued.
v. 24 – False christ and false messiahs will appear and perform miraculous signs and wonders to deceive. These are done under the power of the devil.
The signs are not proof they are from God. Signs should not validate that someone is preaching the truth. If what they say is out of line with the word of God then the sign does not matter.
People will accept these signs regardless of what is said. We should always test everything. We must know God's word so that we will not be duped.
v. 26 - The desert has had messianic overtones for diverse groups within Israel. They associated the desert with God's forthcoming deliverance. (Essenes of the Qumran Community)
Messianic pretenders would gather their followers in the desert before making a public appearance.
Simon son of Gioras - joined the fugitives of Masada in the desert and hid in the hills.
The Inner Rooms - John of Gischala - with army of 6K seized the temple during the Jewish rebellion and how 2400 Zealots joined him there in the inner quarters of the temple.
v. 28 - Jesus is describing the nation of Israel as a lifeless corpse, surrounded by vultures / eagles (both birds of prey)
Proverbial use: Could mean "Where there is a situation ripe for judgment, there the judgment will fall."
Vultures find corpses very quickly. Picture of the swiftness of the judgment. (Could also be a reference to the fact that Rome had an eagle on its standard.)
V. 29-30 - Darkness will come. Literal and figurative. The darkness of the moral decay of the human race. Also the moon and sun being darkened. Zephaniah 1:14-16 talked about the darkness. Against this backdrop is how we will see the sign of Jesus.
All through out the Old Testament God has been described as Light. Light in a dark place. The shining of light. (Paul's conversion, the bright light. Light of the Gentiles, a Great Light. Best way to notice the light is against the backdrop of darkness.
The return will be unmistakable. Lighting flash, it will be obvious to everyone.
The return of Emmanuel (God with Us) will be heralded by the shining of the essential glory that belongs to him. The suddenness of the explosion of light will be so fast that there is no chance to make a change. When that sign happens, the decision will be made. The sign of Jesus will appear in the sky and all will see its glory.
But some will mourn at the appearing of this sign. Those who have chosen wrong.
They who have turned their back on the only person who could save them.
Zechariah 12:10-14 - Could also be tears of joy. Like someone who you have longed to see, finally appears. You are so happy that you cry.
What Jesus has said is intended to promote caution can to satisfy their curiosity. He wants them to prepare for the events rather know every detail of the event.
These things should drive us to prayer now. If you don't pray when things are good, what makes you think you can do it later?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Update on dad
But such is life.
I went to dad's dr appointment. He showed us the spots in dad's gut that have these weak vessels that are bleeding. They have increased dad's iron intake. The GI doc thinks that they can maintain dad's hemoglobin by helping produce more than he loses. BUT,
To fix dad's heart they have to thin his blood. So the GI doc said one option is to go down dad's throat with a long scope and a laser and burn those vessels. BUT, they can not do that in Tyler, he would have to go to Dallas to do that.
Dr. Radford then got on to dad pretty good about drinking. Dr Radford said that its one thing for the Dr's to jump through hoops to try and help, but if you will not do your part then what good are we doing?
Dad just sat there and listened. You could tell he was uncomfortable. I was too. AWKWARD!!!
I love dad, but dad has to do his part. Maybe he will listen to Dr. Radford.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Walk In the Garden Lesson 1 Notes
The Olivet Discourse – The Future of the Kingdom
Lesson 1
History Lesson
Apocalyptic – end times spoken of in code, figures or symbols. Means “mystery revealed” not necessarily “mystery explained.” Should drive the reader to worship, repentance and wonder. Not “oh I get it.”
Prophetic – Judgments of God, can have future meaning, can be 2 view.
Matthew is a Jewish writer. Speaking forth the words of God.
The lament – transition from the denouncing of his enemies to the teaching on Olivet.
Matthew 23:37-39 - As he starts the walk to the Mount of Olives – He weeps over Jerusalem.
Jewish Tradition – converts to Judaism were “brought under the wings of God.”
Chicks will naturally run to their mother (hen) in time of danger. The wings being a picture of protection. In OT is description of God protecting with His wings (figurative). That of an eagle.
Not Jerusalem. They ran away from God.
Because of this the house – the temple – worship – was empty. Jesus walked out as did God. The house was devoid of the presence of God. No more would He dwell in the Holy of Hollies.
Walking along – the disciples are dumbfounded at the things that Jesus has said. They point to the buildings.
The Mount of Olives was on the East side of Jerusalem. It over looked the Temple Mount as well as the whole city of Jerusalem. Romans used it during the siege.
Matthew 24
v. 1 – Herod’s Temple was covered in Gold. What was not gold, was pure white.
v. 2 – The actual temple took only 10 years to build, but the decoration and ornamentation continued up until the Jewish revolt of ad 66.
The Disciples (as Jewish men) were proud of this temple. They were excited about what the hand of man had built.
v. 3 – Zechariah had said the Messiah would stand here. When he comes to conquer (Zech. 14:4) but now Jesus is sitting. The position of a teacher. Not a conqueror. He opens up His heart about the future.
The 12 wanted to know when. Jesus does not tell them when. But tells them to always be ready. Even if the tough times of life, be ready.
They ask what the signs would be, and his first answer is “do not be deceived.” If you focus on signs and events, you are not focused on Jesus and the cause of building the church. Preaching the gospel.
People mislead. “Signs” are open to interpretation and opinion. The only way to not be deceived is to focus on Jesus.
v. 5 – since the time before and after Jesus, many have claimed to be the messiah.
v. 6 – sufferings will be a regular and recurring part of the age following the ascension. They are “normal”. Even though they are bad, the end is not near.
Eugene Peterson in The Message calls this “routine history.”
v. 8 – “Birth Pains” is common metaphor from the OT prophets to depict terrible human suffering. Used to point to what Israel will endure prior to deliverance. It is an expected time. All this bad stuff is simply the beginning. Just because they happen does not mean we should read in to them. History will take place. But that is just the start.
v. 9 – Though in Tyler, Texas we are not handed over to death, but sand up for your faith in business and life and see what happens. Called intolerant, sectarian, and holier than thou...
Our brothers and sisters around the world are being persecuted. (Honduran Pastor Doug spoke of.
v. 10 – it is not just outside pressure, it will come from with in the church as well.
v. 11 – as if life was not hard enough False Prophets come and try to mislead. They preach what people want to here. They preach from selfish motives.
Not new – Isaiah 30:10-11 (NIV) - They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. 11Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel!"
v. 12 – with false teaching and loose morals comes loss of true love for God and others. Sin makes you love your self more than you love God. You can’t have “God Love – Agape Love” if you only think of yourself.
v. 13 – Being saved by enduring does not mean escaping death. If you do die during persecution, you are saved because you are with the Lord in death. Saved – full blessing and peace of salvation with Jesus either in death of life.
Persecution will sift out those who don’t really love God. The false and fair-weather Christians will not endure hard times of faith.
v. 14 – The gospel must be preached to every nation. This is a very explicit condition.
The disciple’s mission was to “go in to the entire world.” As disciples, that is our job today. It is urgent and real. It is an enormous task.
We should think strategic in our missions planning.
Only God knows when this will have been done.
Life must be a tension between the imminence of Jesus coming and the fact of the great commission.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Walk In the Garden - Day 1
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Walk In the Garden
Any who, I have been thinking/praying where to go next. God just zapped me yesterday during church about where to go. God is so funny.
So starting Sunday I will begin teaching The Olivet Discourse. It kind of scared me at first because just like the end of 1 Thessalonians, it is all about eschatology. But as I got to reading it and praying through it, I thought, you know, we could simply tell the story and glean from it.
I am not a date setter or a person who says that what is not clear must mean this or that. I am not dogmatic about things must happen in this order. I think it is OK for somethings to be a mystery.
But there are some beautiful lessons in these short 2 chapters. So we are going to walk though the garden with Jesus and listen to the story He has to tell.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A Redneck in Europe - Romania - the Last Chapter
I worked at the clinic again with Sunni, Pepper and Debbie. It has been a busy day. We saw about 32 patients in the clinic. Sunni said this is what she sees in a full day, we did it 4.5 hours. More to go.
We had several pastors wives come through. One was the Pentecostal pastor’s wife. She was very nice.We had a Jewish lady. She was very sweet. Debbie and a translator talked to her for about 30 minutes. She had never heard that Jesus could be the messiah they are waiting for. It was incredible. She took a new testament to read.
One lady came in. She was very beautiful, dressed like a fashion model. Jewelry the whole nine yards....when I came in to do her blood pressure and triage, she went in to shock......she told the translator that she thought the dr was a woman!!!! It was funny. (I am wearing scrubs and have a stethoscope) I am the only man here so....
Whew....we just got down with clinic. 51 ladies. I think if we add them up these ladies we saw today had about 130 abortions total. One lady had 37!!!!!!!!! There were several with 10, 6....I just wanted to sit down and cry. One lady got saved with our group. The one that had 37 abortions is now saved and is married to a pastor. Over just these 2 days, we saw women who had had a combined 209 abortions.
This morning we had a traditional Romanian breakfast. It was sliced ham and salami, cheese, hard bread, mayonnaise and tomatoes. They don’t make sandwich with it, they eat it separate. When they eat this for lunch, they only use one slice of bread. odd....Last night we ate chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad. They do not use ice here, so everything is warm or cool when you drink it. I would choke someone for a glass of ice tea. They don’t have that either.
After breakfast Pastor Peter gave his testimony. He Romanian Army during the revolution in 1989. Up until a year ago, boys were required to serve 1 year in the army or 2 years in the navy. He took and showed us the building he was defending during the revolution. The bullet holes were still in the building.
I got to go in some really cool churches today. I did here some English in the market from a guy i would not give a dollar too, he told me to go home and have relations with my mother. How nice.....
For lunch today we were in an open air cafe next to this old house that was just beautiful. It was like an antebellum mansion. A waitress served us. The diet cokes are in the tiny bottles like you used to get in the old soda machines. They are glass and you cannot keep them. When you order one they bring it, pour it in a glass and take the bottle. Prior to lunch we were in town and needed to use a bathroom. Alex, our interpreter and guide new the owner of a bar who let us use his bathroom. To pay him we got a fanta in the little bottle, but had to drink it quick because he wanted the bottle back for the deposit. When Wayne and I walked out, Johnny and John E were there with cameras taking pictures of us leaving a beer joint. They said they will use it as black mail.Any way back to lunch. Alex sat next to me; we had a lot of great talks. He is 22 and works with his parents and works with the youth of the church. He is single. The waitress was a beautiful girl. I kept offering to get her phone number form him. We bugged him about it. Wayne and I finally asked her if she had a boyfriend and that we wanted to hook her up with Alex. Alex got upset a bit. He said she is not a Christian and that he is courting a girl who lives in the mountains of Romania. I felt bad that I had embarrassed him. (Incidentally the waitress said she had a boyfriend already). Alex forgave me.
Any way I had a dish all it said was "pork with garlic and bacon" with "king potatoes" I figured why not...It was this giant pork loin with diced garlic and had pieces of garlic put in to it in the meat with fried potatoes. It was awesome.
We went and had supper on a river boat that had been used in the days of the communist to transport tanks up and down the Danube River. The river boat supper tonight was good. I had pizza. Other people had fish. We really had a great time fellowshipping and telling stories.After dinner, I got the bill to pay for every one's meal. The bill was 680 in Romanian dollars (330 US about) not bad for 22 people. (Our group plus interpreters and pastors) any way I was going to leave 800 Romanian for the bill. Our 2 interpreters and the pastors got upset and said it was illegal to tip that much. They said that only 5% is expected and that for exceptional service you could leave up to 10%. They said that I could get in trouble for doing this and that they (pastor and interpreters) would have problems as well. So I only left 10%. They said in some towns, tip is not allowed at all. Odd huh?
On the boat I had to go to the bathroom. I found it. You open this door and their is a sink and mirror, no toilet. On the left is a half door (like at chucky cheese) you have to open it and crawl in to get to the toilet. You could sort of stand up when you got in but you had to lean to the left because the wall was tilted.
Also on the toilets here you have 2 options to flush. If you go 1, you can do a half flush. If you do 2, you do a full flush.
Traveling Home
We left Braila at midnight and got on the bus to Bucharest. The drive took about 3 hours. I could not sleep on the bus. The roads are so ruff that sleep was not an option. We got to the Bucharest Airport about 3. We had to hang out in the front lobby until about 4 am when the ticket counter opened. When I went through security, I was amazed by the female officers. They were armed as were all the officers, but they wore high heeled shoes with the uniforms. I just thought that was odd.
We got on the plane about 530 and took off at 6. The flight to Amsterdam took about 3 hours. We had to kill about 2 hours in the airport. I wondered around and got a coke and a news paper and just looked. I found a coke with ice!!! Here was the thing….I only had a 20 in US. They said no problem. The coke was 3.90 in Dutch money, was converted to us dollars to over 5. I gave them the 20 and got back a 5 Euro and some coins. In essence that coke cost me 20 BUCKS!!!! I drank it very slowly.
Went back through security, again I set off the alarm and got another rub down by the Dutch boy.
10 hours later we landed in DFW. Texas our Texas, all hail the mighty state!
A Redneck in Europe - Romania Part 4
We just got back from working in a town about thirty minutes away. I think we saw 200 people, it was crazy. We set up today in a community center that is rented out for parties and weddings.
High blood pressure is so common. I think I have figured out why. For years they had little or no electricity and everything was preserved with salt. Most of the food we have eaten is very salty.
Many more ladies who had lots of abortions. Saw one guy whose feet have no circulation in them, he wanted to know if we could fix them. They will have to be cut off. He is only 42. Very sad, we don’t know why he has this.Saw a young couple, the man has hepatitis. He was 25.
We passed many fields today that were being burned off. We saw some people today whose id card were those issued by the communist thirty years ago.
Some people got upset because some gypsies got ahead of them in line. One lady told me that she wanted to see the dr because her husband makes her mad. I told her that husbands do this; she should take her shoe and hit him.
One lady said that when she gets mad her throat swells, I told her not to get mad any more.
We had a couple yesterday that had been dating for 50 years. They were so cute.
One lady had a large portion of one of toes cut off. I saw the largest goiter on someone’s neck that I have ever seen. We saw many people with abscessed teeth. We could do nothing other than give them some antibiotics and Tylenol.
There was this one beautiful little gypsy girl with the prettiest dress I have ever seen. I had someone get a pic with my camera; will see if it comes out.
I got to drive a van in Romanian traffic. It was a VW microbus. We got to see Pastor Peter's church. It was small, but very beautiful. Very simple. It had this long row of bushes and flowers on the side walk. It is a mission church from the Baptist church in Braila.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Redneck in Europe - Romania Part 3
Sunni, Pepper, Debbie and Vicky and I stayed at the clinic today and did ob/gyn stuff. Debbie and I did counseling after the visit. We shared the gospel a lot. There were many Christians from the church, there were many who claimed orthodox (Romanian Eastern Orthodox) but they don’t know about Jesus. It is so sad how they are trapped in their form of religion but have no relationship with God.
They have no assurance of their faith. They believe that if they do more good than bad, then maybe it will work out.We saw many women who have had many abortions. One lady had had 6.The translator that we worked with is named Anna Maria Magdalena Tudschoo, she is 24 and in her 4rth year of medical school. She is part of a church called God’s Army; it is a renewal movement in the Orthodox Church. They are trying to change the orthodox belief from the inside.
One thing I saw today that really surprised me was a lot of 7th day Adventist. Apparently they have a big work here. The people seemed to have a genuine faith. For the most part I am ok with their theology it, is just different.
I talked to a lady today who is about 25. She was coming to see Sunni. She wants to have children, she said that she is healthy but her husband can not make babies. She was very sad.
One lady wanted to know that since she is 51 is it safe that her and her husband have a vigorous sex life. Sunni assured her that it is ok.
I talked to one lady who wanted nothing to do with the church because she said that they abandon her in her hour of need.
After clinic we all walked down to the park and looked at the Danube River. The park is really beautiful. I am still impressed by the architecture of the buildings. Some have been painted up and are very nice.I joked with someone that instead of bibles, send Sherwin Williams. Maybe Cordell (my brother in law who has a painting business) could come and to a painting outreach.
Tomorrow we all go to a new village to work.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Redneck in Europe - Romania Part 2
I preached this morning. The church is very beautiful. It has lots of natural light and great acoustics. The whole thing is round. Their choir sang and there was testimony time. It was from a lady who had been to the clinic 2 years ago, and over a year she became a Christian. They sang a couple of songs that we knew the tune too.Leslie Brotherton interpreted for me. She is our missionary in Romania. Her family goes to Rose Heights. We worked well together. I preached from the book of Mark.
After church the team was taken to different homes for lunch. I went with Johnny J, John Mark and Wayne A to the home of the pastor. It was about a 2 block walk through this beautiful park. People walking around, there was a band (brass and drum) playing in the park. I saw a little kid driving a “CARS” car. The homes are late 1800 model; some have been re done and are great. Other are need some T.L.C... The streets were cobble stone. The pastor's house reminds me of a southern American type, formal sitting and dinning room. The pastor has traveled lots. He had many books from around the world. On top of one table and shelf were books about Texas. Mamma Mia (the pastor’s wife) his daughter who is about 20 and her husband hosted us for lunch. Soup, bread, meat, potatoes, rice, noodle/bean things, water, ice cream, plums and grapes. Served on beautiful china and dishes. They would make great southerners by their hospitality.
We walked back to the clinic and I took a nap. I preached the Sunday night service again from the book of Mark. Leslie again interpreted for me. The people are so friendly. Most of the team stayed behind at the clinic to prepare the supplies and bag up medicine and get organized.
After church we had a late supper.
We got up early and had our breakfast. We loaded up in several cars and headed out into one of the rural villages about an hour away. We set up clinic in a Baptist church in a village about an hour from here. We saw maybe 50 patients, not many.
I met the wife of a martyr. Her husband had been in the Romanian Army under communism. Some how, someone shared the gospel with him and he got saved. He came home and shared the gospel with his wife. They soon helped to establish a bible study in their home. From this bible study, the church were working in was formed. Her husband and her were persecuted and tortured by the communist. The man responsible for the death of her husband was head of the local communist party. After her husband died, the man that tortured him died a painful death of cancer.
Wayne and John were threatened with a knife by the local bar owner. He apparently was not happy with us being in the village.Sunni (M.D. Ob/Gyn) treated a patient in a horse drawn wagon. This village is like a peasant village. I don’t say that to be mean. They are just very poor. They still get around with horse drawn carts like they would have 100 years ago.
Kerfoot and I made a house call to see an 88 year old lady with a broke him that has been broke for 4 years. Because of her age, they would no operate on her. They were very friendly people. There was not much we could do. I met her son, my first Romanian red neck. Learned about his wine operation and his vodka cooking. They showed us around their house and farm. They have a vegetable garden and were cutting up a tree that they had delivered from the mountains for firewood.
I saw a lady herding turkeys. No kidding. She had a stick and she was herding a flock of turkeys down the road.
When I discovered the out house I did not drink anything the rest of the day (12 hours) and held my but cheeks until I got back to the clinic. I was not squatting over a hole. No sir ree. Maybe if I had no choice, I would, but I had a choice. Yes I have been in the mountains, camped all over and have done my business in the wild out doors. But OMG!!!
I think I only took BP's on 2 people who did not have high blood pressure.
I sat on the ground at lunch and ate a sandwich with hot mustard. We were sitting in the churches vegetable garden. On the fence was a dead chicken hanging by his neck. We figured that he either committed suicide. He could have been playing with some friends on the roof of a near by barn, daring each other to jump off and he did not make it. Or someone killed the chicken as some sort of hex? Either way, it was a topic of great discussion in the garden.
I did get to see 2 gypsy girls, teenagers. You can spot them by the red and orange dresses they wear. They were beautiful as were their dresses. The gypsies are hated here. They are an ethnic minority. Apparently they were originally brought to Romania from India as slaves. They were later freed. They are treated here worse than blacks in the American south in the 60's. After we left the clinic, we stopped in a small town. I got a 2 liter of Pepsi and drank it in 40 minutes on the ride back to town. I was so dehydrated.
On the road back we saw a guy on the side of the road laying down next to a bike, we stopped to see if he was hurt. He was just drunk.
I saw corn fields harvested with combines and in the same field, a guy with a sling blade and a wagon and horse. What a contrast.Supper tonight was spaghetti with little smoky sausage, egg plant spread and hard bread (the common type here) and I drank 2 liters of water before I was able to go tinkle.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Redneck in Europe - Romania part 1
Romanian Journal
Friday / Saturday - Travel
We left Rose Heights at 10:30 am. We got to DFW Airport around1. we got checked in and through security with no problems. We are flying on KLM – Royal Dutch. Everybody gets their own TV in their seat with a large selection of movies to watch. We took off at 330 PM. 10 hours later we landed in Amsterdam. I think we ate 4 times on that flight. I lost track. I did watch 4 movies.
In Amsterdam, I was wondering around and saw a news paper stand. While looking at the English news papers and magazines for news, I discovered that I was not in Texas any more.In a Texas gas station if you are looking of for a "certain kind of reading Material" it is behind the counter, behind a paper sack.Not here, it is right out in front next to News week, national geographic and the wall street journal. And there is not paper sack over it. So you can check your stocks, world events and see what her turn on and turn offs are without ever taking a step or moving a paper sack. SHOCKER!!! Oh, just so you know, the urinal in the men’s room is like a gold fish bowl on the wall that does not flush. That was really odd. Plus the doors were open to the bathroom. While I was doing my business, a group of Ethiopians came in to brush their team.
Oh Well, time to get on the plane. I evidently set off some security thing in Holland.They pulled me aside to search me. Now I have patted a lot of people down. This was not a pat down, it was a rub down. He rubbed EVERY inch of my body. Some places more than others. He really rubbed my right side and leg up and down a lot. It was in front of everyone and people were asking “was i making a new friend, did I get his phone number, were we going to meet later….” I saw them do it to women as well, they rubbed them all over as well. I do mean all over. I really felt violated. A guy should have some privacy for that sort of thing. Dutch People, watta ya going to do???
We got to Bucharest about 1:30 pm. The clinic director and our missionary picked us up with a bus. The city we stopped in to eat was a real mix of 2 worlds. You can see the old soviet influence in the architecture, the way the street is laid out. Then you see McDonald's and satellites hanging out the window of each of the apartment windows. What a mix. We watched this really pretty wedding procession in a little church. When they came out there was a guy on an accordion playing, flowers were being thrown.
I got stopped by the police when I got off the bus. I did not leave with the group initially (at mcd's) because I was praying with someone. These 2 cops stopped me pointed at me and the bus and kept saying something. All I could muster was "I don’t speak Romanian" in the spirit of Chris Farley. They finally just waived me away. When I caught up to the group they kept asking what they wanted, like I could tell them, I am from out of town.
The place we are staying, I must say is awesome. I have stayed in hotels worse than this. Suffering for Jesus. It is the Diconia Medical Center in Bralia, Romania.
The pastor took me to the church I will preach in this morning. It is beautiful. It is round looking thing. 3 stories. It reminds me of the old drawings I have seen of Spurgeon's church.
I crashed as soon as I saw a bed.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Peter Paul and Mary
So kiss me and smile for me (unless you are some dude, then a head nod, high 5 or other mail greeting will work) tell me that you will pray for me, hold me like you will never let me go.
I'm leaving on a jet plane, I will be back on October 4rth. Oh facebook, I hate to go.......
I will try and check in from time to time.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dad Update
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ever wanted to choke someone
Or maybe just back hand people across the room for good measure.
I think I have problems.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dad Update
No stress, no pressure.....
I am leaving for Romania this Friday. Several of my team members have had struggles and challenges leading up to this week. God is doing something!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Dad
Please keep my dad (Jim Reeves) in your prayers.
Hey buddy, can you spare 4 tires?
I love my Extera, but why does Nissan have to put some weird size tire that no body stocks and you have to order them on it? I swear I want to meet the designer of some of the parts and just pray for him.....you know lay hands on him?
I hate having stuff snow ball. You try and get ahead and you have 15 things waiting in the wings to just nail you. On top of that Liz's van needs to be aligned. You know, its just money.
I know I am blessed. I know that God has always taken care of us. God has been so faithful. I know all the right verses.
So God, I love you. Thank you for blessing me. I trust you.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008
An Old Red Neck
But he still ain't changed his lifestyle, He likes it better the old way
So he wants a little garden in the back yard by the fence
He'd consume what he'd grow nowadays in self defense
He's never liked the twilight zone, cause it just don't make no sense
He gets off on country music, cause big hair left him cold
He's got young friends into new wave, but he's just too friggin' old
And he dreams at night of Woodstock 2 and the day Kurt Cobain died
How the music made him barf, and gave him a head ache
Yeah he thinks of Courtney Love, And he has to wonder why?
He's an old red neck and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old, should he grab on to the new
He's an old red neck...his new life ain't to bad
He ain't trying to change nobody He's just trying real hard to adjust
He was sure back in the eighties, that everyone was cool
Then they sent his friends off to Desert Storm on their senior trip
And they forced them to become a men while they was still a boys
And in each wave of tragedy, he waited for the joy
Now this world may change around him, But he just can't change no more
He's an old red neck and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old, Should he grab on to the new
He's an old red neck...his new life ain't to bad
He ain't trying to change nobody He's just trying real hard to adjust
Well he's always stayed away, from the parties and the clubs
And he's thinking while he's biking 'round
Sure is glad he quit the miller light
Cause him and his kind get more endangered everyday
And pretty soon the species will just up and fade away
Like the smoke from his hippie parents bong...just up and fade away
He's an old red neck and he don't know what to do
Should he hang on to the old, should he grab on to the new
He's an old red neck...his new life ain't to bad
He ain't trying to change nobody, He's just trying real hard to adjust.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Good Job Rose Heights
After the Key Note address by Dr. Dykes of Green Acres Baptist Church, Becky Duncan, the community Outreach coordinator of PATH got up and gave a nice speech about Rose Heights and the projects and supports we have done with them. The award was for Faith in Action.
Thank you to everyone at Rose Heights for your help and participation in the collections and projects that we are doing here.
God Bless!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Adventures of the Red Neck Life
It was at a really swanky place. One of these Greek Temple places with folks in uniforms running about. You know the kind of place where they don't serve anything super sized or with toys in the bag. In the parking lot are lots of hummers, bmw's, Mercedes and all kinds of really fancy cars. I eased my old 9 year old Nissan up next to a Benzo and parked it. I figured out real quick that I am out of my element. They are using real dishes for the food, and not paper plates.
Any who, I slide in the door and check in at the table. They hand me my "wine ticket". I give it back to her and said no thank you, I am a temperance man. You see they were offering that fancy wine. The kind that does not have a screw top lid or come in a box. I went up to the bar keep and asked for a glass of tea. In a very uppity voice he told me "sir, you will have to go to the tea service." I had this overwhelming urge to choke him down. I didn't. I did find the tea service. It was self serve, no uniformed person was their to hand it out. I even had to get up and get my own refill a couple of times.
Walking around the place you see these fancy picture taking people. They were the kind where you get your picture taken so you could be "spotted" or "be seen" in magazines that I don't look at. (they don't have pictures of guns and ammo) You know they did not stop me to get my picture. Maybe they thought I was a client of the agency we were their to raise $ for. (Could it have been the fact I was wearing sweat pants and a foot ball helmet and was running around asking for jello?) Just kidding.
I was seated with some nice folks. They were LOADED. Just thought I would mention that. Nice, but RICH. They were bidding on the silent auction. I wasn't. All I had in my pocket was a hot check and some food stamps and they were not taking those. They were the kind of folks who have nick names for the ladies and that is how they are introduced. You know, names like "bunny" "muffy" that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong, they were sweet people, but they don't hang out where I hang out. It was all I could do not to use my Thurston Howell voice.
At dinner they served some real pretty food. I did not care for it, but I ate it. Cuz the Bible said to eat what is set before you. After a couple of hours of this, I decided to slip on out the door and head on to the house.
Am I making fun? No, just offering the perspective of your average redneck theologian who does not get out much. Till next time......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Palin the Pentecostal
My friend Mike told me how Pentecostals used to be severely persecuted in the Appalachian area. Of course when i think back and reflect, I was raised to think that people who go to "those kind of churches" were weird or that something was wrong with them. The first time I went to one, it was to an event called a "singing." My church of Christ grandmother sat me down and warned me about this place. How they do and say funny things. And when people get all excited they may run around. she told me just to sit down and don't make eye contact.
The first time I saw someone pray for a healing was in the ICU of Palestine's Hospital when my grand dad was there. My grand mother and I were in the room. A couple came in. They were very prominent people in Palestine/Elkhart. They laid hands on my grand dad and prayed that God would heal him. We had already made the decision to terminate life support. It was gut wrenching watching my grand mother make that call. We were all in support of it.
My grandmother is still upset about this too this day. She refers to them as "fanatics" and talks about how they made a fool of themselves. Incidentally, my grandmother can not stand Sara Palin.
Oh how we are separated by what should unite us.
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Son
"He just told me, "If God was a geenie in a bottle, I'd rub the bottle & when He came out, I'd ask Him for wisdom, a double portion of Elijah's life..........and a magic porthole!" "LOL! Is he all boy or what?"
That is my son.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Burden Part 3
Man is Fickle. Man can bless you in one moment and then curse you with the next breath. Pleasing man is a moving target. There is no end point.
The lesson seemed to be more for me than it did anyone else. We had a good discussion. So good, that we lost track of time and it was 10:28 when we quit. I hope they got something out of it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Burden Part 2
Should be a fun ride.
Mana Fest
I really enjoyed his teaching about Golgotha and the skull of Goliath.
What are your thoughts?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Spiritual Burden
Will see where this take us.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What a Day
I love you honey bunny.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hot Date
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Excuse me while I barf
I am blown away that 12 years ago I held this little 7 pound 6 ounce kid. I was crying and scared to death of how to raise her, what do I do. The day we got home from the hospital I sat her car seat on the couch with her in it and sat down and looked at her and said.."now what?" What do we do with her.
Our dog at the time "Baby" even gave her funny looks. I have watched her grow and mature in to a beautiful, smart, funny, talented kid. She is awesome.
So tomorrow we are driving off together for a big time at 6 flags. We will eat pickles, nachos, ride scary rides and hope we don't barf on each other.
Happy 12th Nana Bear. I love you.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Long Time Ministry
The Rev. C.A.W. Clark Sr., a nationally famous Baptist pastor who spent more than half a century preaching at a South Dallas church, died Sunday at his Oak Cliff home.
Dr. C.A.W. CLARK SR. Dr. Clark, 93, was with his family, including wife Carolyn and grandchildren. "This is the passing of an era. We won't see his likes again," said the Rev. Gerald Britt Jr., vice president for public policy at Central Dallas Ministries. "He was a master of the pulpit. He influenced generations of preachers."
Services will be 11 a.m. Aug. 4 at Dr. Clark's Good Street Baptist Church. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Sandra Clark Funeral Home. Viewing will be all day Saturday, followed by a celebration of his life Sunday during normal church services.
Born Caesar Arthur Walter Clark on Dec. 13, 1914, in Shreveport, La., Dr. Clark was ordained in 1933 and led his first pastorate at the Israelite Baptist Church in Longstreet, La., at the age of 19, according to his church Web site.
"Everybody who knows anything about black Baptist life is familiar with C.A.W. Clark," Cleophus LaRue, author of the book The Heart of Black Preaching, told The Dallas Morning News in 2006. "He was regarded as one of the great black preachers in the 20th century." He earned the nickname "Little Caesar" for his fiery sermons as a young minister. In September 1950, he joined Good Street, where he remained until his death.
Good Street became one of Dallas' first black megachurches, opening its doors to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1956. Dr. Clark was a friend of Dr. King's father and encouraged the younger King in his work. Good Street's many other high-profile visitors over the years have included the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Johnnie Cochran, whom Dr. Clark reportedly baptized. Current members include state Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas. At Good Street, he oversaw the opening of day-care centers, a credit union, low-income housing and a legal clinic.
"There is hardly a preacher anywhere who has not benefited from the work of C.A.W. Clark," the Rev. B.R. Daniels, pastor of Beth Eden Baptist Church in Fort Worth, said at a 2003 event honoring Dr. Clark's 74 years in the pulpit. His accomplishments as a church and civic leader earned him the respect and admiration of politicians, churchgoers and others who turned out to honor his service at various events in recent years. "He was one of the role models in terms of my development as a preacher and countless others," said Mr. Britt, former senior pastor for the New Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church. "He was someone who was a joy to watch and to listen to."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Batman and Warts
I did miss 3 minutes and 20 seconds of it at about the second hour. I went to the little pastors room twice before the movie started. I could not hold it any longer. I sprinted in there and did just enough to hold me until after the movie.
It was a dark movie. Not quite the Jack Nicholas of the one from 20 years ago. (man that is weird to say).
Anyway about the warts on my foot. On of them had this little flappy thing. Liz said hey let me look at that. Well then she started to pull on it. It was however attached. Not it is bleeding. So I had to grab a hold of it and yank out a hunk of meat out of my foot. Blood shoots everywhere. Liz fainted in the floor. I had to pour salt on it to get it to quit long enough to build a fire, heat my knife and cauterize the wound. I then coated it in chewed bark and wrapped a dirty pare of underwear around it. I should live.
Liz may never recover from the shock of it all.......
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So, Liz and this acid poison stuff she has came back. Oh my goodness, this crud BURNS. Well after two days of it I looked at my foot and i have this giant chemical burn on my foot. I think she is trying to kill me or is punishing me because our home computer is sick. So I have put an end to the hemlock acid on my foot. I mean this crap is eating a hole in my foot.
I guess I have to go to the doc and get her to cut them off. I could just do it with my pocket knife.....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Busy Day
Then tonight I am teaching the men's bible study. I have a new word that I will be bringing so I have been working on it a lot. I pray that God will speak through me.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sign of Cohen
Friday, July 11, 2008
Blue Like Jazz
Reading about this guys journey is really interesting. The Pharisee in me wants to condemn him for thinking such thoughts. He should just convert and get it over with. But the more I ponder his journey and meet other people the more I open up to that people get to Jesus in different ways. I don't mean that there are many ways to God, I am not a pantheist. But reading about his honest struggles with faith it refreshing. I have struggled myself at times.
I have struggled wanting a more pious life. The clown in me does not help this. I have struggled with setting up rules for my self. (I have to read this much, pray this long, get up at 3 am and all that) I never keep any of them. I brake my own rules. Then I feel like a sucky christian.
At the end of chapter 7 (on grace - the beggars kingdom) is something that really knocked me over. I was sitting in the park watching my kids play when I read this. He says that our love for Jesus is not like Romeo and Juliet. Where they are each equally in love for each other. That it is move like Lucentio's pursuit of Bianca in the taming of the shrew. (yes I have seen the play and know the story. I am a red neck, but I am cultured...I know when to put my pinkie out :-). The groom is endearing the belligerent bride with kindness, patience, and love.
Jesus endears us with kindness, patience and love. We run and act like fools, we snub his advances. But like Bianca, we come around to loving him. (at least I have, and I fall more in love with Jesus every day)
Miller says that our behavior will not be changed long with self-discipline, but fall in love and a human will accomplish what he never thought possible. When we accept God's love for us, we fall in love with him, and only then do we have the fuel we need to obey.
He ends with this " in exchange for our humility and willingness to accept the charity of God, we are given a kingdom. And a beggar's kingdom is better than a proud man's delusion."
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thornton Wilder
The dialogue continues. the angel tells the doctor "Without your wounds where would your power be? It is your melancholy that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men and women. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can on human being broken on the wheels of living. In Love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve! Physician, draw back."
The man who got into the pool and was healed goes and gets the Doctor. He ask him to come to his house to help him. He tells him that is son in lost in dark thoughts. The father does does not understand him and only the Doctor has been able to help him. He tells him that he has another child who needs his help. The help that only this wounded doctor can help.
I too have asked God to take away some things about me. Things that I used to think would hinder me as a pastor. That if anyone really ever knew "those" things about me, that I would not be respected as a pastor. I have even been told by some to never share those things.
But this play by Wilder has helped me understand that those things are a help and not a hindrance. I would love to not to have to deal with depression and anxiety. I would love to not to have to take medicine for it. I wish I never knew what addiction was like. But I do. I wish the cravings for a substance was not in my body. But it is. I have not given into it in years. I have not used that substance. But the thought is there. I have to do spiritual battle when I travel to certain places. I have to pray not to partake. By God's grace I have.
I wish that I did not have a financial debt that I can do nothing about, but I do. I guess because I do I can understand those who have struggled with financial trouble.
I used to think to be a pastor you had to "have it together." I looked forward to the class in seminary where they would take away all my trouble, sin, problems and I would have it together. It never happened. They never took it away.
I went in wounded and came out wounded. But I have learned that in loves service, only a wounded soldier can serve.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Keith Green
Last night I was talking with Liz and said when I think of Keith I think I am really a sucky christian. He was bold and genuine. I think I fear men more times than I fear God. And that is not right.
He is one of my heroes of the faith. I think of him much like Rich Mullins. Both of them really took the faith and words of Jesus seriously. They make me sit back and examine my own walk.
Quote from Jason Upton "........some times no compromise means, no compensation..."
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Anguish or Concern
We can get caught up in a concern or have some idea, but he raises the point is really of God if it was not born in anguish?
I am sitting here asking myself the same thing. Which of the ideas, dreams or other things that I am involved in....were they born out of some whim that we are going to chase and spend time and money on...they were not birthed out of a baptism of anguish....where the holy spirit really would not leave you alone, where you had to stop everything you were doing and pray about something????
How much of my time is spent chasing things that have no effect or meaning in the kingdom. How much of the money I spend, offer, tithe is spent not on weighty matters of the kingdom but on some idea or "man project." Why do we chase things without prayer and fasting.
If you think you can handle it, go to http://sermonindex.net/ and look up David Wilkerson's message a call to anguish.