Friday, July 4, 2008

Thornton Wilder

I have read more about his play "The Angel That Troubled the Waters. It is based on John 5:1-4. His play talks about this doctor who suffers from depression and melancholy. He comes to the pool wanting to be healed of this. When the angel stirs the water, the doctor gets up to go and get in the pool only to be stopped by the angel. The doctor cries out begging to be allowed to be healed. The Angel insist that this healing is not for him.

The dialogue continues. the angel tells the doctor "Without your wounds where would your power be? It is your melancholy that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men and women. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can on human being broken on the wheels of living. In Love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve! Physician, draw back."

The man who got into the pool and was healed goes and gets the Doctor. He ask him to come to his house to help him. He tells him that is son in lost in dark thoughts. The father does does not understand him and only the Doctor has been able to help him. He tells him that he has another child who needs his help. The help that only this wounded doctor can help.

I too have asked God to take away some things about me. Things that I used to think would hinder me as a pastor. That if anyone really ever knew "those" things about me, that I would not be respected as a pastor. I have even been told by some to never share those things.

But this play by Wilder has helped me understand that those things are a help and not a hindrance. I would love to not to have to deal with depression and anxiety. I would love to not to have to take medicine for it. I wish I never knew what addiction was like. But I do. I wish the cravings for a substance was not in my body. But it is. I have not given into it in years. I have not used that substance. But the thought is there. I have to do spiritual battle when I travel to certain places. I have to pray not to partake. By God's grace I have.

I wish that I did not have a financial debt that I can do nothing about, but I do. I guess because I do I can understand those who have struggled with financial trouble.

I used to think to be a pastor you had to "have it together." I looked forward to the class in seminary where they would take away all my trouble, sin, problems and I would have it together. It never happened. They never took it away.

I went in wounded and came out wounded. But I have learned that in loves service, only a wounded soldier can serve.


Lisa said...

I find this to be so very true. It's hard to understand someone else's problems if you've never been there yourself. Thank you for being open and honest about what you've gone through. I know you are helping people because of your experiences.

Liz said...

Shhhh! Don't tell all our secrets, baby.

Just kidding. (wink)
Of course you know that I agree 110%. You can't reach someone without being transparent yourself and I'm sure God is proud, smiling over your shoulder for typing those words.

When you can honestly say to someone "I've been there & done that", you can reach them more intimately than if you just stand back, nod your head & smile. We, as the Church (big C), have got to let down our guards, open up & be willing to let God use our broken hearts and heartaches, our sins & our troubles to reach others & show HIS LOVE to them.

Nathan said...

I'm glad you are transparent, Larry. There are far too few people that are true, and truth is what God wants from all of us.

I must say that I am blessed. I know we all are blessed, but I have lived an especially blessed life when I hear from many people. While I haven't had chemical dependencies or addictions, of course I do have temptations - weaknesses that the enemy knows and exploits.

Even still, my uncle who just lost his wife to cancer and has 3 teenage children recently called me "the golden child" because according to him everything has fallen into place for me. I'm definitely not saying this to brag. I'm saying this because I'm wondering aloud about validity of feeling guilty for being blessed. There are certainly many ways in which you could relate and thus minister to people that I currently could not. Now I'm certainly not asking God to remove his blessings and let me partake of harder times so I can be more able to relate. I'm just wondering aloud. I know we all can look at the world from our vantage point and say how much we are blessed compared to others. Do you ever feel guilt for that, or is this just me?

L.G. Reeves said...

There are times I feel guilt, but I have to remember that what I have I got from the Lord. I feel that I should be a good steward of what he has given me. I think I need to be a good steward of the scars and wounds as well. I could be selfish with it, or I could use them to help others.

You are a blessed person in many areas. But you and Sunni are generous people. I dont just mean in money. You guys give of your time and talent as well to help others. I think of the other well to do, pretty people that you and I know who have never come on an outreach, gone on a mission trip, come in the middle of the night to look for homeless people served food to the homess shelter folks or what ever else. they give money, sure, but is a check all they could do?

Because you do that, I think God will continue to bless you. I think if you stopped, became selfish and horded it, then God could and may take it away. Remember the parable of the talents. What did the servants do with what they were given? If they did well with it, they were given more to do well with. Dont feel guilt. Just maintain humility and be a good steward of what you have. Be it money, time, talent, treasure, scars, wounds, experience, health, stuff or what ever.... Honor God with all things.

Nathan said...

That's a good word. Thanks. I'll take it!

Enjoy your staycation! Be refreshed.