Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vacation Day 2 and 3

Well more hunting. Have not seen anything. At least nothing I wanted to shoot. I have seen cats, coons, squirrels, birds, ducks, geese......

I am resolved to continue. I have just about finished the book The Jesus Conspiracy. I am going to start on No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke. I have to miss hunting this afternoon. I am taking my oldest to a Jr. High shin dig while mom takes rug and rat to church stuff. I will go and hide somewhere and read.

Today I have taken a nap. Had Lunch with rug and rat. Went to the pharmacy. Cleaned the house. Did some laundry and watched fox News. Took a drive and looked around. Now I am surfing.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm so lucky to be married to the world's greatest house husband. :) Thank you for helping w/ the house this week while you've been off. I wuvs you!