Monday, December 1, 2008

Vacation Day 1

Well I did not get much hunting done today. Well none really. Last night I went hunting and took a shot at a buck. I would have sworn I hit it and it went down. I could not find it, a blood trail or anything. We burned up some flashlights looking around for it. My father in law said that after we left a deer came back and ate up the corn that was on the ground. Stupid deer. I guess I missed it and it was hiding behind a tree laughing while we looked around. That is OK, I am going to come back again, and again, and again....

I spend most of the day with Savannah and Sarah at the eye doctor getting their eyes checked. Then me and Sam had cub scouts tonight. It was a relaxing day though.

I did get some reading done. I am reading a book called the Jesus Conspiracy by Gordon Thomas. I have read other books by him. He is an investigative reporter. His books are well written and researched. He has a lot of background information that he weaves in the the story of Jesus. It is very good.

Off to bed.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Did I hear a little country song there in the middle of this post. Again and again and again...Johnny Cash maybe? :)

Good luck in the morning!