Monday, November 3, 2008

A Walk In The Garden Lesson 3 Note

This is the final set of note from this study. I will be starting something new next week. I have enjoyed this study very much.

Lesson 3

The Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13

v. 1. Virgins – also translated bridesmaids. To be one is an honor. It is very insulting to the bride, if the bride’s maids are not prepared. To be shut out because you did not get ready could ruin a friendship.

Jewish Marriage Customs. 2 basic stages.

Betrothal (or engagement) – spouse is chosen. Usually with input of parents or full decision made by parents. Sometimes the young ones would make choice or preference known. This could happen anywhere from 13-18 years of age. Legal contract would be made with witnesses to this. They were to remain abstinent during this time. To break this contract would mean divorce. If one died, the other was a widow or widower.

The Wedding – formal ceremony would be a year after the betrothal. Special garments would be worn. The groom would leave the fathers house and go to the bride with his companions. They would go and get the bride and bring the bride back to the wedding supper. Could be in either place. Parents and friends would bless the couple. The father of the bride would then draw up a formal contact. Then they went to a special nuptial chamber and consummated the marriage. While everyone waited outside. No pressure. The virginity was established afterwards by the presence of blood on the *sheets*. Then there would be a party for a week or more.

*The presence of the blood – shows that the virgin was pure, that she belonged to the bridegroom – she had been preserved. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)

Jesus is the Lion of Judah – the Lion of Judah has washed his clothes in blood. (Genesis 49:8-12)

God looks for the blood so that He can pass over and not punish – (Exodus 12:13)

Believers showed that they were His, but the presence of Blood on their clothes (Revelations 7:14)

The church overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb. (Revelations 12:11)

Jesus is pictured as a the rider on the white horse, with his own clothes dipped in blood.

v. 2 – Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

v. 3 – many have a lamp of profession in their hands. But few of them have settled the matter and have the oil of the spirit of salvation in their hearts. They have outward works, but the inside is dead.

v. 5 – all 10 slept. Waiting and Watching is OK. Sleep is OK, if you are prepared. Once you have everything ready, it is OK to lie down and rest.

The wise could enjoy a true peace.

The foolish a false peace.

The foolish were not prepared to wait. They could not handle a delay. They apparently wanted an instant fix. They could not endure a little wait.

Though Jesus tarries past our time He will come in due time.

v. 6 – a new day has started.

v. 8 – The oil lamp was made of clay, had a basin for the oil and a wick that was burned to produce the light. These outside torches could burn for hours if their was enough oil. Could have also been a torch with oil soaked rags.

Their faith was dead. At the time when it mattered the most, it was dead and no one could help them. No prep work. Trouble came and now they are scrambling.

They were not spiritually prepared. A delay cause what they had to burn up.

The virgins were to escort the groom to the bride. They had the procession to light the way to the bride.

If the bridesmaids tried to share oil, none would have enough.

v. 10 – they went to buy, what could not be bought. What was once free without price is now not available. Is. 55:1-3.

v. 11 – being outside in the dark while the marriage supper is going on is a picture of being in hell. Not known, and un-helpable. No way to change the disposition.

v. 12 – they had insulted the dignity of the host. They missed the procession. They missed the chance to be a part of the celebration, dancing and singing.

v. 13 – the oil they had was good, but it ran out. A new day had come, and they needed to be re-filled.

Closing Challenge:

We can not lean on a past experience. We need to have new and fresh encounters with God to lean upon.

Daily grace is needed for daily need.

We are fools if we seek to only get through a moment, with no thought to what might happen.

The wise will have a fresh supply of spiritual strength to get through the time of waiting.

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