Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cool Little Book

Well I am even more official than I was. Yesterday I got my New and improved Chaplain's certificate. Now that I am an Exhorter, (what ever that is) and have a "minister's ID number" I am now an Endorsed chaplain and not just an associate chaplain.

AND to make it even better so I don't feel like such a loser, I got this cool little book to report my monthly activity to someone. It even comes with these cute little brown envelopes to send to the International Headquarters. But then I find out I also have to send one to the state office but no cute little envelopes. What happens when I run out of the cute little envelopes?

OH, they also did not include any stamps.

I feel violated in some strange way.


m.d. mcmullin said...


Just do your reports online. It's much easier and no need for postage.

Liz said...

Ah-ha! I knew someone would have an answer to this...and I suspected it would be Michael!

Just for that, I think we should go over & use his pool again. (oh, and you can mow his yard or something useful like that while the kids & I frolic in the sunshine)