Monday, June 16, 2008


I love H.B. London's stuff. He works for Focus on the Family in the capacity of Pastoring Pastors. I copied this from his newsletter that he sends out:

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Don’t look back and don’t look ahead. Live in the moment and expect God’s blessings upon the assignment He has given you. In the past few days, I had the opportunity to visit the two cities in which I pastored before coming to Focus on the Family. I didn’t go there to preach or to visit my former congregation. I was there for personal reasons. I had the chance to drive around some and I drove past homes we had lived in and remembered a myriad of events concerning my family. I passed cemeteries where I buried parishioners and hospitals where I had spent hours with those who called me “Pastor." I ate at familiar restaurants and just happened to cross paths with several who recognized me from the past.

But I don't live there any more. God has me in a new place, doing different things, like a lot of you. There was a time when I longed for a return to those places and people, but I have experienced God's new seasons. Some of you might be missing the present because you are bemoaning the past or maybe even fixating on the future. Please don’t.

Bloom where you are planted! The present is where God is at work, and His plans are for you to prosper. If you are in a struggle right now; thank Him for the present; confess the challenges you are facing; remember God’s unmistakable love for you; see His majestic presence at work in your ministry; hold your head high; encourage your family; and today do something for someone who needs to know they matter — and make up your mind to bloom where you are planted.

Adapted from H. B. London’s editorial, Pastor’s Weekly Briefing, 8/25/06

1 comment:

Liz said...

What great words of wisdom. Love you, baby.