Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mind Control

I am currently reading a book on mind control. It is actually a history of its use by the CIA. Our government has been involved in some pretty sick and twisted stuff. The things that our tax dollars have been allowed to fund and do are not always positive.

This is actually a hard thing for me to read about and study. I am what you call a flag waving patriot. I love my country. I am a salute the flag kind of guy. But this stuff is pretty awful. One hopes that it does not go on anymore. People being used as guinea pigs with out their consent.

Our government has stockpiled and produced weapons of mass destruction. You know it seems sort of two faced for us to complain about other countries having and using this stuff. We have. When Harry Truman was a soldier in the army, he was involved in mustard gas attacks in World War 1.

I guess one argument would be that at least we have some check's and balances in our system and that you hope some dooms day scenario does not happen.

I want to believe the best in people. I also know that people will let you down. They can do the most awful things and you sit back and wonder why.

In all of this I still have faith in God. I am glad that my faith is not based on humans. Humans have this in grained problem called sin.

God, please control my mind and let me not do anything that would shame you.


Liz said...

I love you.
I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I wanted to say it anyway.
I love you. I love you. I love you.

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