Tuesday, February 26, 2008


In Sunday school I am teaching through the book of Habbakukk. Why does bad stuff happen? Apparently there is more to our world than what we can see. Our short sited view of things can look very rough. But the less on of this prophet of God is that it is part of a master plan. God is not blind, deaf or ignorant to what is going on. He could be raising up the answer somewhere else. God told the prophet, look and be amazed becasue you will not believe what I am about to do.

In My life, in my short neart sighted view of things...I have to remember that God is orchestrating the solution somewhere. I need to do what the prophet did.....get in my tower and wait and see what the Lord will do. I need to also come to the same conclusion that he did...that what ever God does, He will be just in doing so.

Lord, I trust you in my life. May the rocks cry out that you are holy.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Amen. God can be glorified in EVERY circumstance. Sometimes we just have to search a little to find it, but God can ALWAYS be glorified, even in the hard times.