Friday, February 1, 2008

Jesus Freak

I am not the sharpest "theologian" in the box. When I get into conversations with friends as to the definitions of what church words mean...I can keep up to a certain point. More and more I here about new church words that I have no clue what they mean.

I remember while I was in seminary that telling someone that I went to a Bible church. One of the other students ask me if I was a "dispensationalist." One of my first answers was no, I quit doing that....Just joking. Honestly I thought, "well I can't spell it, so I don't know if I am one or not." Honestly 7 years later, I don't know if I am one.

In seminary I learned all srts of big words to describe what people are and are not. Probably only seminary students care about these sort of things. Untill the day I started going to seminary I did not know a calvanist from Calvin and Hobbs. I did not know an Armenian from Amsterdam. It turns out the bulk of students and professors at the seminary that I went to were calvanist. Some even call them selves "5 Point" calvinist. The more I studied, the more I became convinced that I was not one. I wanted to form my own student association called Armeniast Annonomoys. I did not think it would go over very well.

I started reading books that I was not encouraged to read. I read about Westley, Finney, The Book of Acts, 1 Corinthians and books by Jim Cymbala. After a dynamic encounter with God while I was at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York I really had to sit down and examine myself and my theology.

So what am I? Am I Pentecostal or Charismatic??? My Answer is yes. Well am I a dispensationalist? I could be, but I still can spell it so I am with holding judgement on the subject. Now I work with some guys who are teaching me words like Missional, Evangelical, Post-modern, Emerging, Liturgical, Reformed.....what is a poor red neck like me to do??????

I have decided to simply adopt the title of Jesus Freak. It was good enough for DC Talk, I figure it is good enough for me. Your Thoughts?


Lisa said...

Works for me, too! Why do we have to classify ourselves as anything other than followers of Jesus? :)

Liz said...

Amen. You know I've never really put myself into any particular box. I am who I am in Christ whether that agrees with anyone else's theology or doctrine. Like I've always asked people .... is it religion or relationship? There is a distinct difference. As for me & God, it's all about our relationship. I don't have to fit under an umbrella title that suits anyone else. Me & God are cool. If there is a name for that, so be it.

m.d. mcmullin said...

People have always used different things to identify themselves. Theologians uses theological words that convey nuances in doctrine.

Other people use different things to identify themselves:
bumper stickers on the back of their cars,
political signs in the yard,
links below their email signature,
decorations inside your home,
belt buckles,
decorative cell phone cases,
the clothes we wear (think about how many NASCAR or Dallas Cowboy t-shirts we see in Texas).

These are all labels and your right many times they are unnecessary. One could simply say I am an American as opposed to saying they are "East Texan born and raised" but we like to define ourselves to others.

I think you're right to be careful in how we define ourselves theologically. Be a Jesus Freak. But realize that even that is a "label". ;)

L.G. Reeves said...

I guess it is part of our nature to size each other up as well as ourselves. To follow MD's though, I guess you cant be a foot ball fan, you have clarify what league, level, team, conference etc. etc..

We have really complicated things when it comes to the things of God. Humans can really muck up just about anything. We can take a good thing and make it so that no one else would want it.

God Forgive Us.