Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mercy Ship

Today David Berryhill and Nathan Atkinson and myself went out to Mercy Ships in Garden Valley for a tour. We met up with Rick Schultz member of our church who works or is a missionary with Mercy Ships. I was really blown away by all of it. They have a ton of stuff going on that is right here in our back door.

Seeing all these people who are not doctors who have left everything to live on support and work with Mercy Ships messes with my head. Every time I am around folks like this I get real emotional and disturbed spiritually. My analytical, linear mind always ask questions of how, where, if, why and all that. How do they do it. Some how God figures out the details of what is going on in their life. I usually wind up weeping later.

We got to meet Don Stephens who happened to be on the base. Rick said that he is only around about 5 days a month because of his schedule. He gave us a copy of his book and autographed it. He and his wife spent several wonderful minutes with us just sharing and talking. What a gentle humble man.

I respect men like him and Rick. They are some of my heroes.

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