Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lessons from Dad

Today started off to be a great day. We got up and went to Bethel. We had great time in Sunday School. Church was wonderful. We left church and went to Lowes. Everyone was happy. We bought some flowers. We walked over to the hot dog stand and all got a sausage and a hot dog.

We got home and King did not meet us at the gate. We called him and he did not respond. Walking into the back yard King started to stagger over. He stopped to pee. He was peeing blood. He was not acting like himself. I had a treat for him. King loves and lives for snausages. I held it out for him and he paid no attention to it. We broke up a piece of it and he took it and dropped it. I went to the phone and was trying to get a hold of our vet. He was not available so we called the emergency clinic. They said to bring him in. I got his leash and led him to the yard.

I told the kids to talk to him while I got the car ready. I figured they would put him to sleep. He is old and had a couple of health issues. We got a blanket for him. King then laid down on the side walk. He laid his head over on Savannah's lap. He was having trouble breathing. He then just stopped breathing. We held him and cried. We talked to him and petted him as his heart stopped. We wept in the yard.

After a few moments I knew I had to do dad duty. I had to do what I saw my father do. I had to bury our pet. I went over and cleared the back of my truck. Sarah gave me a blanket of hers to wrap him in. I picked up our doggy and put him in the back of the truck. The kids and Liz came over and kissed him and told him how much they loved him.

I drove to Troup to my father in laws farm to bury our dog. I cried the whole way. I never knew the emotion that would go in to this. This is not something they tell you in "dad school". I saw dad do it, and now I am the dad. As I was doing this I remembered the first time one of my pets died. It was Tom the cat. He was a black and white cat. I even took him to school one day for show and tell. He died when I was about 8 or 9. Dad picked him up and put him a box. We went out behind his shop and dug a hold. I had wrapped him up. Dad placed him in the whole and put the box over him and covered the hole. This was so many years ago and I can still take you to the spot where we buried him.

Part of our family died today. To some this is silly, but we loved this dog. He was the dog that helped Sarah get over her fear of dogs. He protected our kids. He loved to chase cats. He would bark at strangers. He never wondered off. If the gate was ever left opened he just walked to the front door and sat there. That is where the treats are.

RIP King. Find Tom the Cat in heaven and chase him. Role on the streets of gold. Ask Saint Peter for a treat. Take a drink from the River of Life that flows from the throne. We will see you someday.


Lisa said...

I'm so sorry Larry. I know that was hard for you all. I pray that God will allow your hearts to heal quickly.

L.G. Reeves said...

Thank you Lisa.

Amanda said...

This is so sad. I'm so sorry. Hugs to all of yall.