Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Weekend

God's timing is amazing. Last Thursday I had a break down. I knew I was approaching a burn out / spiritually dry period. Friday -Sunday we had a Worship Conference with Jason Upton and Jack Deere.

I am pretty knew to Jason Upton. Up until 8 months ago I had never heard of him. I don't normally listen to christian music. I have some old favorites on CD that I listen to. My buddy David Berryhill introduced me to Jason Upton. WOW. I love Keith Green and Rich Mullins. Upton was like them. Some of his music really just blew me away. The more I heard the more I liked.

Upton, like Keith Green and Rich Mullins can be pretty abrasive. But that is OK. Prophets were not the most like, PC people. They had a message and they were sent by God to give that message. They are modest and humble in their life. They mean what they say. They believe what they are saying. They also live it. Who they were "on stage" is who they were in "life." They are sincere. I don't like Diva's, entertainers or people who are only after money. that really just flies all over me. Upton's ministry this weekend really helped me out.

I also got to here Jack Deere speak and get my book signed by him. Jack has been a major help to me. He to came from the cessasionist movement. Then God showed up in his life. I used to be totally happy with my little theological boxes in their appropriate places. Then here comes God and messes with my boxes. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Jack wrote about his experience in his books "Surprised by the Power of the Spirit and the Voice of God." Both are GREAT books that I highly recommend.

We had mixed feelings about the weekend around the church. But God showed up and helped me. Next week I am taking a "prayer break" to sit alone in the woods and pray and listen to God. Maybe I will write about it.


Liz said...

You were right...I really liked Jack Deere. (or is it Deer?) Anyway, I liked him. I'm sorry I had to miss Jason's concert, but from what I've heard of his music, he's not really my "style" (music-wise) although I do enjoy his message & ministry approach. Love ya baby...I'm so glad you're getting a break next week.

m.d. mcmullin said...

It's often amazing how God times things in our lives. We hear something at just certain moments that impact us.

**side note**
I noticed your bucket list includes being "knighted". I think you have to be a citizen of the United Kingdom to receive Knighthood. There are honorary presentations made for others.

Nathan said...

if you're keeping tabs, add me to the side of the church that enjoyed the weekend and heard God speak to me through all four of his messengers that spoke to us - Jason, Jack, David, & Michael.

Plus, Jason was just fun. I like to stir things up a bit sometimes.

L.G. Reeves said...

I think for non citizens of the kingdom you can be knighted as a knight of the realm - that was for michael.

Nate, glad you like to get stirred up. I am ok getting challenged. My faith is strong enough that I dont old when questioned.