Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Race Relations

I was invited to attend the Race Relations Forum here in Tyler. this is a group that gets together on a regular basis to talk about racial issues. I went to my first meeting on Monday. I really would like to see our church not be so white. I hate the fact that Sunday morning is the most segregated hour. I hate that churches are called or referred to as white or black or Hispanic churches.

At this meeting were not just different races but of other religions. There was a Muslim and several people from the Bahia Faith. I struggle with this. I know that Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. What about people who are enemies of the cross?

I have really struggled and wrestled with the idea of associating with people from cults. Am I to be salt and light here? Or do I avoid this? I am totally open to racial dialogue and a better understanding between races. I want to see more mixing of races in church. The old stereotypes of avoiding each other on Sunday needs to stop. I know in time it will.

But what about my spending time with members of cults that I have taught against? I am not sure what to think about this. I am open to ideas. If I don't go to these meetings and represent Jesus, who will? Or am I casting pearls before the swine and giving what is holy to the dogs?

Open to ideas......

1 comment:

m.d. mcmullin said...

During the civil war, some plantation owners forced their slaves to fight against the union armies that were trying to free them. These slaves had no choice but to fight against their would-be saviors. They didn't fight out of political motivation but out of fear and ignorance. They didn't know for sure if they would be set free or if their families might suffer the consequence.

I see adherents to other faiths (and cults) in a very similar way. They are not enemies of the cross but slaves to the enemy of cross. They fight against those who hope to set them free. But they fight not out of hatred but out of ignorance and fear.

If Christians completely remove themselves from anyone who believes differently, how will they ever know who Christ really is? And even if that Muslim on your committee never surrenders to Christ, you stand as a prophetic witness in his/her life. Whether you ever burn up sacrifices on Mt. Carmel or not, your presence stands in direct opposition to the enemy of the cross.